hey ... oliey again ..frstly , this story is real n im not writing it just to SHOW OFF ..
its a true story bout my life a 2 years ago ..when my age is about 16teen ..
i started to do dat cutter bcause i copycat my fwen ..huuu ..stupid ryte ..it is the most thing tht i regret in my whole life ..if i can back to dat time ..i will stop it and make my fwen stop too ;p.but actually she cut a lil than me ..i cut my hand using a scissors ..huhux ..trust me .. it's a lot of pain than using a knife .rmi tnya why u do dat .. dont u have brain ? why u so stupid but actually .. im a senstive gurl .i cant handle my emotion very well n my ex bff know dat .. i get hated wif the seniors when they know bout it ..they judge me cruelly ..that freaking judges actually make me lbih nk cut than dri stop ..my mum know bout it..n for sure she mad n worry .. im sory 4 doin tht ..it just happend ..everyone asked me ' APA YG BEST CUT TGN NEA? ' let me tell u .. when im really sad bout my prob ..i just cant handle it n let the pain in my damn heart ..so its like trnsfer it to my own hand ..ble kte cut tgn kte uh .. rse sakit kt hty uh mcm trnsfer kt tgn uh ..n doing tht cutter while crying it is so not hurtin at all ..dat is why i brni wt bnda tue ..lps dh cut uh .rse free .. rse tak sedih lgy ..n 4 sure rmi yg akn bg perhtian kt kte ..
but they actually try to said to others tht this oliey is stupid 4 doing dat .. i admit im stupid but u actually triple double stupid than me lah !! why dont u just help me ? why u judge me ? .. im not perfct n so do u lah kan ..
n now rmi teenager yg cutter .. n lbih truk they showing off their scars ..hey gurl ! please ..tht scars is not bnda
yg boleyh DIBNGGAKN ok ? ..it actually our weakness..i saw my mum n my fmily worried bout me when im a cutter ..n it is suck ! so stop doing dat .. people around u .. bukn bngga pown downg kwn ngn u koz u
are a cutter ..they actually shame on u ! they hated u a lot ..ada stu hry uh .i was depressed .. im starting to seated at the toilet n cried .. i called my syz ..i said life is suck ..she was so worried n she cried too.. told me to remmber ALLAH .n my mum .. she actually worked ..snggup uh dye blik cpt koz worried sgt to me..
i just wnt to said ..if u a cutter .. jgn bngga ok ? i just hated to see all the picture budax gurl yg bngga sgt ngn cutter dye uh ..n if u are a fwen wif some1 who cutter.. dont judge her ..but help her.. she need it more..
and if u are a truly fwen ..u wont leave her like dat ;) and to my family - oliey xmo lah jdi mcm tu lagy ..sakit taw3x.. n tgn dh tak lawa but thnkz 4 understnd me as ur daughter n adik pling cumil n bongsu ;p
dat hand is not mine ;)
sory 4 being a spoilt daughter ;p