i just hate you ok ! .. koz u are damn good than me ..
here a story about us ;')
we used to be everything .. but tyme make us fall ..nk tau smthing tak ..
ko some1 yg special utk aku back at the tyme when we used to be bff ;)
kte wt sume bnda togther .. shared all the silly things ..mngumpat lah apa lah an ;p .
ble ko dmm smpai msuk wad uh .. aku lah owng yg gle dlu.. sbb worried ..
i admit i changed koz i hate when u gy kt snior2 kte dlu ..talk wif them ..n sometimes ko lbihkn downg.. n aku started cple wif pa'an uh ..n aku pown mle lbihkn dye sume..aku actually lpe aku ada bff .. yeah .im sowry .. pastu tyme uh kte dh mle war class ke2 ...bnda tu suck ble kita sme2 cried n
budax gurlz gy kt koo ..try to chill u up tp aku pegy kt danny .. one thing ..aku gy kat danny ..sbb danny nk dkt sme burfday ngn koo .. ble aku tgk dye.. aku ingt koo.. tyme uh dnny jdi some1 yg aku mngdu sume bnda..koz aku mish ko gle2 tyme uh .. n aku strt counting the day ' ble lah kte akn baik blik '. dye tau yg aku give up utk hidup ble kte jdi truk ...guess life is hard .. but u used to make my life easier when life bein hard to me.. u were there to hold my hand ..tp aku tak rse bnda tu ble ko ngn snior2 uh.. admit lagy ! aku tak ske ilang ko tyme uh ..smpai free2 kne kutuk ngn tie koz aku mcm BY* ryte .. heee .. aku just main silent ..koz aku xnk buruk2kn ko .. and aku tau ko pown mcm tu ryte ..but guess people doesnt like to see us ;) and ko end kan our bff fwenship ..even byk kli aku yg try nk endkn ..but actually aku tak snggup pown ...n aiman tau dh pngai aku ..ble aku ckp nk sbnrnye aku xnk lnsung lah .. aku sllu ckp kte jdi kwn bselah .. padahal dlm hty aku . xnk xnk xnk .. aku ske ble ko pjuk aku..ahahahahx.. mcm sweeeettt lah ;p ..pastu aku lpe lak nk pjuk koo an .. nk wt mcm mne.. aku cpt lupa ..;p actually ..aku still syg koo sbg kwn bek pling bez pernh aku dpt .. mcm aku pernh ckp ..ko wt aku percye yg kwn akn ada ble kte sush n senang ..koz dlu bnda tu pling aku tak cye lnsung ..ko wt aku trust ngn word BFF ..but smpai skunx .. aku takdew bff . amer bukn bff aku .. dye close fwen aku .. aku still xdpt nk honest ngn dye..
tp mak aku ckp .. if kte syg owng uh ..kte kne lpskn dye.. if dye syg kte .. dye akn still ngn kte jgk .. aku appy ble ko dh dpt bff bru.. yeah ..downg hbt than aku .. ko lbih appy dgn downg than aku ..i still pray 4 u .. even aku bukn bff ko lgy .. aku still xkn berubh ..n ko tau kan.ko leyh count on aku ble something worst happen .and actually .. lps sume bnda yg jdi kt kte .. aku tkut nk berubah koz ko pernh ckp ' olie ko pown dh berubah ok ' .. n ble aku berubah .. aku ilang sume owng yg aku syg including koo .. ;) gudluck wif ur lifey .. i know u the best koz i used to adored u lah my shortie ;p