Saturday, 30 April 2011
BENda YG aku GILA nak lah an
buzzlah lah ;p |
aku nak bnda nih like gila , hell n crazy hrga dye gila mahal lah an .. tyme aku gy klcc ngn akk
aku uh ..then cpt2 lah aku gy kt toy pnye shop uh ..pergh ..hrga seketul rm 159 .
nak mnta abah den ..cnfrm dye ckp ..gila kew ? klo akak aku memg tak dpt lah an .tp guys bnda nih
cumillah .. DHEBAB chan me nk bnda ni lah . ahahahahx.. spe2 yg belikan aku bnda nea
aku marry dye ... then aku jdi isteri yg taat gle sbb anda dh bli kn bnda pling aku NAK NEA ...
Friday, 29 April 2011
dear ZALIX ZAINAN the SHortie ONE
i just hate you ok ! .. koz u are damn good than me ..
here a story about us ;')
we used to be everything .. but tyme make us fall ..nk tau smthing tak ..
ko some1 yg special utk aku back at the tyme when we used to be bff ;)
kte wt sume bnda togther .. shared all the silly things ..mngumpat lah apa lah an ;p .
ble ko dmm smpai msuk wad uh .. aku lah owng yg gle dlu.. sbb worried ..
i admit i changed koz i hate when u gy kt snior2 kte dlu wif them ..n sometimes ko lbihkn downg.. n aku started cple wif pa'an uh ..n aku pown mle lbihkn dye sume..aku actually lpe aku ada bff .. yeah .im sowry .. pastu tyme uh kte dh mle war class ke2 ...bnda tu suck ble kita sme2 cried n
budax gurlz gy kt koo ..try to chill u up tp aku pegy kt danny .. one thing ..aku gy kat danny ..sbb danny nk dkt sme burfday ngn koo .. ble aku tgk dye.. aku ingt koo.. tyme uh dnny jdi some1 yg aku mngdu sume bnda..koz aku mish ko gle2 tyme uh .. n aku strt counting the day ' ble lah kte akn baik blik '. dye tau yg aku give up utk hidup ble kte jdi truk ...guess life is hard .. but u used to make my life easier when life bein hard to me.. u were there to hold my hand aku tak rse bnda tu ble ko ngn snior2 uh.. admit lagy ! aku tak ske ilang ko tyme uh ..smpai free2 kne kutuk ngn tie koz aku mcm BY* ryte .. heee .. aku just main silent ..koz aku xnk buruk2kn ko .. and aku tau ko pown mcm tu ryte ..but guess people doesnt like to see us ;) and ko end kan our bff fwenship ..even byk kli aku yg try nk endkn ..but actually aku tak snggup pown ...n aiman tau dh pngai aku ..ble aku ckp nk sbnrnye aku xnk lnsung lah .. aku sllu ckp kte jdi kwn bselah .. padahal dlm hty aku . xnk xnk xnk .. aku ske ble ko pjuk aku..ahahahahx.. mcm sweeeettt lah ;p ..pastu aku lpe lak nk pjuk koo an .. nk wt mcm mne.. aku cpt lupa ..;p actually ..aku still syg koo sbg kwn bek pling bez pernh aku dpt .. mcm aku pernh ckp ..ko wt aku percye yg kwn akn ada ble kte sush n senang ..koz dlu bnda tu pling aku tak cye lnsung ..ko wt aku trust ngn word BFF ..but smpai skunx .. aku takdew bff . amer bukn bff aku .. dye close fwen aku .. aku still xdpt nk honest ngn dye..
tp mak aku ckp .. if kte syg owng uh ..kte kne lpskn dye.. if dye syg kte .. dye akn still ngn kte jgk .. aku appy ble ko dh dpt bff bru.. yeah ..downg hbt than aku .. ko lbih appy dgn downg than aku ..i still pray 4 u .. even aku bukn bff ko lgy .. aku still xkn berubh ..n ko tau kan.ko leyh count on aku ble something worst happen .and actually .. lps sume bnda yg jdi kt kte .. aku tkut nk berubah koz ko pernh ckp ' olie ko pown dh berubah ok ' .. n ble aku berubah .. aku ilang sume owng yg aku syg including koo .. ;) gudluck wif ur lifey .. i know u the best koz i used to adored u lah my shortie ;p
i just hate you ok ! .. koz u are damn good than me ..
here a story about us ;')
we used to be everything .. but tyme make us fall ..nk tau smthing tak ..
ko some1 yg special utk aku back at the tyme when we used to be bff ;)
kte wt sume bnda togther .. shared all the silly things ..mngumpat lah apa lah an ;p .
ble ko dmm smpai msuk wad uh .. aku lah owng yg gle dlu.. sbb worried ..
i admit i changed koz i hate when u gy kt snior2 kte dlu wif them ..n sometimes ko lbihkn downg.. n aku started cple wif pa'an uh ..n aku pown mle lbihkn dye sume..aku actually lpe aku ada bff .. yeah .im sowry .. pastu tyme uh kte dh mle war class ke2 ...bnda tu suck ble kita sme2 cried n
budax gurlz gy kt koo ..try to chill u up tp aku pegy kt danny .. one thing ..aku gy kat danny ..sbb danny nk dkt sme burfday ngn koo .. ble aku tgk dye.. aku ingt koo.. tyme uh dnny jdi some1 yg aku mngdu sume bnda..koz aku mish ko gle2 tyme uh .. n aku strt counting the day ' ble lah kte akn baik blik '. dye tau yg aku give up utk hidup ble kte jdi truk ...guess life is hard .. but u used to make my life easier when life bein hard to me.. u were there to hold my hand aku tak rse bnda tu ble ko ngn snior2 uh.. admit lagy ! aku tak ske ilang ko tyme uh ..smpai free2 kne kutuk ngn tie koz aku mcm BY* ryte .. heee .. aku just main silent ..koz aku xnk buruk2kn ko .. and aku tau ko pown mcm tu ryte ..but guess people doesnt like to see us ;) and ko end kan our bff fwenship ..even byk kli aku yg try nk endkn ..but actually aku tak snggup pown ...n aiman tau dh pngai aku ..ble aku ckp nk sbnrnye aku xnk lnsung lah .. aku sllu ckp kte jdi kwn bselah .. padahal dlm hty aku . xnk xnk xnk .. aku ske ble ko pjuk aku..ahahahahx.. mcm sweeeettt lah ;p ..pastu aku lpe lak nk pjuk koo an .. nk wt mcm mne.. aku cpt lupa ..;p actually ..aku still syg koo sbg kwn bek pling bez pernh aku dpt .. mcm aku pernh ckp ..ko wt aku percye yg kwn akn ada ble kte sush n senang ..koz dlu bnda tu pling aku tak cye lnsung ..ko wt aku trust ngn word BFF ..but smpai skunx .. aku takdew bff . amer bukn bff aku .. dye close fwen aku .. aku still xdpt nk honest ngn dye..
tp mak aku ckp .. if kte syg owng uh ..kte kne lpskn dye.. if dye syg kte .. dye akn still ngn kte jgk .. aku appy ble ko dh dpt bff bru.. yeah ..downg hbt than aku .. ko lbih appy dgn downg than aku ..i still pray 4 u .. even aku bukn bff ko lgy .. aku still xkn berubh ..n ko tau kan.ko leyh count on aku ble something worst happen .and actually .. lps sume bnda yg jdi kt kte .. aku tkut nk berubah koz ko pernh ckp ' olie ko pown dh berubah ok ' .. n ble aku berubah .. aku ilang sume owng yg aku syg including koo .. ;) gudluck wif ur lifey .. i know u the best koz i used to adored u lah my shortie ;p
petak segiempat
its all about him = ]
dear Akmal Aiman yg pling dhebab , si mata besar , gigi jagung ,si petak , my kesayangan <3
kte kenal dari bulan 5 , 2011 an .. mngikut kakalator me . kte dh setahun ..huux ..
byk dh pngai baik , gewdix , x snonoh u yg me tau .. ahahahx ..conth u ske kntut merata2 ..mkn byk2 ..
tdow byk .. sume bnda yg byk lah u ske .. ngaa . but then u sumenye utk me lah ;)
kte knl aftr me clash ngn kwn u tue .tyme uh tak tau lah apa gila me gy mnta ym u .sdngkn kte cmnt pown memg tak lah an tgk u sbg sowng yg sgt serious ..memg scary mary lah nk kco u tyme uh
kata pown budak UIAm -univrsty ini ada masalah .. hahahx .. u yg ckp ngn me just write blik
je kt blog nea..kte sllu gduh .u lah yg ske cri gduh .apa tah slh me.. hahahax.nope ! me yg ske cri gduh ngn u kowt .dgr u mrh2.. pastu pjuk u blik ..but kdng2 u yg kne pjuk me an ..huhux.u ske sgt pnggil me mok2 chan .. CORRECTIOn me tak gmuk just pipi je tembam cute taw3x ...u ske mkn itu nasi lemak .. ( pttlah dhebab ) pastu minum msty air yg pns2x ( lidah strong punye ! ) but me ske nsi lmk but ske air sjuk jewp .. sbb tu me cool jew ;p ..heheheehx..kte shared sume nye an an .. u ckp me lah gurl 1st yg tau psl ur dad an ;) terhru kowt ..heee.Allah bg u kt me tyme me tgh hurtin gle2 an ..tah apa ilmu itam u pki smpai u leyh thn ngn pngai me..kwn2 me pown rse nk sepak trjang ngn pngai u tak ;p .. tyme 1st kte jmpa uh .u mlu2 jewp ..but 2nd tyme ..memg terserlah pngai u yg sbnr ..u byk ckp jgk an an ;p ingt u u ckp ngn me je u byk ckp.
klo ngn gurl len ' MEMG TAKLAH ' ( to pompuan lain .. jgn jlez ..werk ! ) me ske tgk u jual mhl ngn gurl2 len ..hahaha..macho kowt ;p .. pastu u ske treat me mcm budax2. heeee...tyme mlm msty kte mnja2 an ( kowng pkir len lah uh ) hahax .. bg me an .. u some1 yg special gle mcm gle like gle .klo me topup memg u lah owng 1st me text even tyme uh u tgh berdngkur kew..pastu mlm2 klo tak dgr sore u memg mmpi antoo trus ..remmber an .. tyme u tak wish me nyte2 uh mmpi me jdi istry bpk ayam ..scry taw ..pastu me ske ble u mrh2 klo ada owng mki me kew .. mcm pakcik stdium uh .. p/s dye dh tak berniaga kt stdium ..xtau npe.. hehehex.. u mcm my abg lah .. hahax.. even kte dh clash ..kte still togther an ..even dh byk kli me ckp nk leave u u still pjuk me.. me ske ble u tak bg me leave u ..xtau npe...tyme pling me ske ngn u an. tyme ramdhan ! kte ym .stiap ptng kte ym .. heheehx.. pastu gduh .pastu bek blik..gduh ..bek blik.. kdng2 pnt .kdng2 rse lwk .. n u tkut hntu ! tak sngka ok ? me ingt u tak tkut .tp u un sme jewp ngn me.. ngaaa.. then webcam yg pling lwk .. tyme u wt magic uh .akk me sume gelak .. akk me yg 2nd ckp u mcm nkl ;p .hahah..memg un n sexy ! ngaa... pnjng ryte ? msty u pnt nk bce..koz u tak ske sgt bce.. ok me end sni jewp ..
akmal aiman bin abdul razak .thnkz sbb tak give up ngn me..even me byk sad psl u ..but it is worth .
if u dh ada gurl len .. so sory me just takleyh tgk ok ? when tht time dtg just leyh support u but dri jauh .. me tak nk close ngn u ! xmo lnsung .if u ada gurl len an .. 1st me wt . mkn byk2 !!
than me jdi gmuk . pastu me leyh ckp ' slh kn aiman' owez mish ilmy ..sometimes me wait dat day u akn ckp blik ilmy kt me .. n me jnji lah an xkn leave u tnpa sbb ;p
mish u like gila lah boo ;)
timon popeye kedink dhebab gigi jagung mata besar n my kesayangan .. FULLSTOP
dear Akmal Aiman yg pling dhebab , si mata besar , gigi jagung ,si petak , my kesayangan <3
kte kenal dari bulan 5 , 2011 an .. mngikut kakalator me . kte dh setahun ..huux ..
byk dh pngai baik , gewdix , x snonoh u yg me tau .. ahahahx ..conth u ske kntut merata2 ..mkn byk2 ..
tdow byk .. sume bnda yg byk lah u ske .. ngaa . but then u sumenye utk me lah ;)
kte knl aftr me clash ngn kwn u tue .tyme uh tak tau lah apa gila me gy mnta ym u .sdngkn kte cmnt pown memg tak lah an tgk u sbg sowng yg sgt serious ..memg scary mary lah nk kco u tyme uh
kata pown budak UIAm -univrsty ini ada masalah .. hahahx .. u yg ckp ngn me just write blik
je kt blog nea..kte sllu gduh .u lah yg ske cri gduh .apa tah slh me.. hahahax.nope ! me yg ske cri gduh ngn u kowt .dgr u mrh2.. pastu pjuk u blik ..but kdng2 u yg kne pjuk me an ..huhux.u ske sgt pnggil me mok2 chan .. CORRECTIOn me tak gmuk just pipi je tembam cute taw3x ...u ske mkn itu nasi lemak .. ( pttlah dhebab ) pastu minum msty air yg pns2x ( lidah strong punye ! ) but me ske nsi lmk but ske air sjuk jewp .. sbb tu me cool jew ;p ..heheheehx..kte shared sume nye an an .. u ckp me lah gurl 1st yg tau psl ur dad an ;) terhru kowt ..heee.Allah bg u kt me tyme me tgh hurtin gle2 an ..tah apa ilmu itam u pki smpai u leyh thn ngn pngai me..kwn2 me pown rse nk sepak trjang ngn pngai u tak ;p .. tyme 1st kte jmpa uh .u mlu2 jewp ..but 2nd tyme ..memg terserlah pngai u yg sbnr ..u byk ckp jgk an an ;p ingt u u ckp ngn me je u byk ckp.
klo ngn gurl len ' MEMG TAKLAH ' ( to pompuan lain .. jgn jlez ..werk ! ) me ske tgk u jual mhl ngn gurl2 len ..hahaha..macho kowt ;p .. pastu u ske treat me mcm budax2. heeee...tyme mlm msty kte mnja2 an ( kowng pkir len lah uh ) hahax .. bg me an .. u some1 yg special gle mcm gle like gle .klo me topup memg u lah owng 1st me text even tyme uh u tgh berdngkur kew..pastu mlm2 klo tak dgr sore u memg mmpi antoo trus ..remmber an .. tyme u tak wish me nyte2 uh mmpi me jdi istry bpk ayam ..scry taw ..pastu me ske ble u mrh2 klo ada owng mki me kew .. mcm pakcik stdium uh .. p/s dye dh tak berniaga kt stdium ..xtau npe.. hehehex.. u mcm my abg lah .. hahax.. even kte dh clash ..kte still togther an ..even dh byk kli me ckp nk leave u u still pjuk me.. me ske ble u tak bg me leave u ..xtau npe...tyme pling me ske ngn u an. tyme ramdhan ! kte ym .stiap ptng kte ym .. heheehx.. pastu gduh .pastu bek blik..gduh ..bek blik.. kdng2 pnt .kdng2 rse lwk .. n u tkut hntu ! tak sngka ok ? me ingt u tak tkut .tp u un sme jewp ngn me.. ngaaa.. then webcam yg pling lwk .. tyme u wt magic uh .akk me sume gelak .. akk me yg 2nd ckp u mcm nkl ;p .hahah..memg un n sexy ! ngaa... pnjng ryte ? msty u pnt nk bce..koz u tak ske sgt bce.. ok me end sni jewp ..
akmal aiman bin abdul razak .thnkz sbb tak give up ngn me..even me byk sad psl u ..but it is worth .
if u dh ada gurl len .. so sory me just takleyh tgk ok ? when tht time dtg just leyh support u but dri jauh .. me tak nk close ngn u ! xmo lnsung .if u ada gurl len an .. 1st me wt . mkn byk2 !!
than me jdi gmuk . pastu me leyh ckp ' slh kn aiman' owez mish ilmy ..sometimes me wait dat day u akn ckp blik ilmy kt me .. n me jnji lah an xkn leave u tnpa sbb ;p
mish u like gila lah boo ;)
timon popeye kedink dhebab gigi jagung mata besar n my kesayangan .. FULLSTOP
I used to be a CUTTER
hey ... oliey again ..frstly , this story is real n im not writing it just to SHOW OFF ..
its a true story bout my life a 2 years ago ..when my age is about 16teen ..
i started to do dat cutter bcause i copycat my fwen ..huuu ..stupid ryte is the most thing tht i regret in my whole life ..if i can back to dat time ..i will stop it and make my fwen stop too ;p.but actually she cut a lil than me ..i cut my hand using a scissors ..huhux me .. it's a lot of pain than using a knife .rmi tnya why u do dat .. dont u have brain ? why u so stupid but actually .. im a senstive gurl .i cant handle my emotion very well n my ex bff know dat .. i get hated wif the seniors when they know bout it ..they judge me cruelly ..that freaking judges actually make me lbih nk cut than dri stop mum know bout it..n for sure she mad n worry .. im sory 4 doin tht just happend ..everyone asked me ' APA YG BEST CUT TGN NEA? ' let me tell u .. when im really sad bout my prob ..i just cant handle it n let the pain in my damn heart its like trnsfer it to my own hand ..ble kte cut tgn kte uh .. rse sakit kt hty uh mcm trnsfer kt tgn uh ..n doing tht cutter while crying it is so not hurtin at all ..dat is why i brni wt bnda tue ..lps dh cut uh .rse free .. rse tak sedih lgy ..n 4 sure rmi yg akn bg perhtian kt kte ..
but they actually try to said to others tht this oliey is stupid 4 doing dat .. i admit im stupid but u actually triple double stupid than me lah !! why dont u just help me ? why u judge me ? .. im not perfct n so do u lah kan ..
n now rmi teenager yg cutter .. n lbih truk they showing off their scars ..hey gurl ! please ..tht scars is not bnda
yg boleyh DIBNGGAKN ok ? actually our weakness..i saw my mum n my fmily worried bout me when im a cutter ..n it is suck ! so stop doing dat .. people around u .. bukn bngga pown downg kwn ngn u koz u
are a cutter ..they actually shame on u ! they hated u a lot ..ada stu hry uh .i was depressed .. im starting to seated at the toilet n cried .. i called my syz ..i said life is suck ..she was so worried n she cried too.. told me to remmber ALLAH .n my mum .. she actually worked ..snggup uh dye blik cpt koz worried sgt to me..
i just wnt to said ..if u a cutter .. jgn bngga ok ? i just hated to see all the picture budax gurl yg bngga sgt ngn cutter dye uh ..n if u are a fwen wif some1 who cutter.. dont judge her ..but help her.. she need it more..
and if u are a truly fwen ..u wont leave her like dat ;) and to my family - oliey xmo lah jdi mcm tu lagy ..sakit taw3x.. n tgn dh tak lawa but thnkz 4 understnd me as ur daughter n adik pling cumil n bongsu ;p
dat hand is not mine ;)
sory 4 being a spoilt daughter ;p
its a true story bout my life a 2 years ago ..when my age is about 16teen ..
i started to do dat cutter bcause i copycat my fwen ..huuu ..stupid ryte is the most thing tht i regret in my whole life ..if i can back to dat time ..i will stop it and make my fwen stop too ;p.but actually she cut a lil than me ..i cut my hand using a scissors ..huhux me .. it's a lot of pain than using a knife .rmi tnya why u do dat .. dont u have brain ? why u so stupid but actually .. im a senstive gurl .i cant handle my emotion very well n my ex bff know dat .. i get hated wif the seniors when they know bout it ..they judge me cruelly ..that freaking judges actually make me lbih nk cut than dri stop mum know bout it..n for sure she mad n worry .. im sory 4 doin tht just happend ..everyone asked me ' APA YG BEST CUT TGN NEA? ' let me tell u .. when im really sad bout my prob ..i just cant handle it n let the pain in my damn heart its like trnsfer it to my own hand ..ble kte cut tgn kte uh .. rse sakit kt hty uh mcm trnsfer kt tgn uh ..n doing tht cutter while crying it is so not hurtin at all ..dat is why i brni wt bnda tue ..lps dh cut uh .rse free .. rse tak sedih lgy ..n 4 sure rmi yg akn bg perhtian kt kte ..
but they actually try to said to others tht this oliey is stupid 4 doing dat .. i admit im stupid but u actually triple double stupid than me lah !! why dont u just help me ? why u judge me ? .. im not perfct n so do u lah kan ..
n now rmi teenager yg cutter .. n lbih truk they showing off their scars ..hey gurl ! please ..tht scars is not bnda
yg boleyh DIBNGGAKN ok ? actually our weakness..i saw my mum n my fmily worried bout me when im a cutter ..n it is suck ! so stop doing dat .. people around u .. bukn bngga pown downg kwn ngn u koz u
are a cutter ..they actually shame on u ! they hated u a lot ..ada stu hry uh .i was depressed .. im starting to seated at the toilet n cried .. i called my syz ..i said life is suck ..she was so worried n she cried too.. told me to remmber ALLAH .n my mum .. she actually worked ..snggup uh dye blik cpt koz worried sgt to me..
i just wnt to said ..if u a cutter .. jgn bngga ok ? i just hated to see all the picture budax gurl yg bngga sgt ngn cutter dye uh ..n if u are a fwen wif some1 who cutter.. dont judge her ..but help her.. she need it more..
and if u are a truly fwen ..u wont leave her like dat ;) and to my family - oliey xmo lah jdi mcm tu lagy ..sakit taw3x.. n tgn dh tak lawa but thnkz 4 understnd me as ur daughter n adik pling cumil n bongsu ;p
dat hand is not mine ;)
sory 4 being a spoilt daughter ;p
Thursday, 28 April 2011
dat CICAK was FLYING = ]
tmpat kejadian = toilet umah ABDUL LATIF
tarikh kejadian=27 april 2011
masa=12 mlm kowt kowt ;p
ok this is story bout cicak .klo tak nk bce .tak ksh un lah ;p
ngaaa.. tyme uh an an .. aku tgh syok nk gy mndy nih .. siap bwk phone msuk tndas koz nk wt karaoke free ..tgh truja mnuju ke tndas ... wht the fish ! ada lizard yg i think lizard uh lizard teenager kowt lah an sbb bdn dye rmping n rse dye male ! ..heee.. dye tgh syok berjln2 kt dindg tndas .. heh .. its eiyuuu ok ..I HATE CICAK .ngaa.. then aku un stop n STARE dgn hty yg geram ..aku un sediakn paip air ..then .pechuuuuuu.. aku bukk air uh dgn kdr yg sedrhana ...aku pown cucuhlah air uh kt lizard tuu ! kre aku mndykan cicak tuu but i actually tgh trying too halau dat cicak kuar too dat tngkp ..but suddnly .. JENG Jeng ..
CICAK uh dgn hbt nye terbang ke arah aku !! aku pown tak tau if dye btul2 cicak or wht koz dye leyh lompat ngn hbt nye towards aku ! klo aku ada cmera DSLR mcm zalix zainan uh cnfrm aku dh snp pic dat lizard ! huuu..memg merbhaya..aku un mcm owng meroyan .. lary selaju laju laju laju nye smbil mnjerit ' arghhhhh ..cicak terbng ..arghhhhhh.. ' smbil memegng2 rmbut aku mcm jiwa kco .. ahahahahx.. but then ..aku un surh akk aku yg ke3 uh ..alaa nme fb dye seeha senpai ( sila add ) gy usha2 cicak uh .. then my kaka said ' takdew un cicak uh , dye dh ilang kowt .' .. but ..its too eiyuuu i end up mndy kat blik air lgy stu .. it is so tremendous . erh btul ke eja uh ..
to dat LIZARD = im really sory ..i just hate u .. too geli utk mndy2 bersme anda.. lizard takdew ank an an ? klo ada ank msty skunx ank mu tu tgh tercri2 mnelah ayah dye .. ahahahahx... so sory lah an an ;p
help me blogger !!
heeeee ;)
testing testing 1 . 2 .3
em .. blog nih kinda complicated ryte ! but mcm best . hahahaahx
ok ok .. this is just a testing experimnt ;p .ngaaaa ..
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